Bay Baby Produce Expands Environmental Stewardship

Mon. June 1st, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MOUNT VERNON, WA - In the fresh produce industry, it cannot be contested that we are for the earth, with the earth, and of the earth—especially since our whole operation relies so heavily on Mother Earth and her bounty of resources. Bay Baby Produce recognizes this and is hard at work being a good environmental steward as a way of keeping its employees, families, and community healthy.

Bay Baby Produce's commitment to environmental stewardship has helped the company achieve milestones like composting 1 million pounds of food waste and building one of the largest solar-powered facilities in Western Washington

According to a press release, to support its efforts of environmental stewardship, Bay Baby Produce has enacted a process based on its annual plan, which enables the value-added innovator to reduce its environmental impact. To date, this plan has helped the company yield results such as diverting, reducing, and recycling the following:

  • Solar Power: Largest Solar Powered Agricultural Facility/Western WA
  • Recycled approx. 51,000 lbs of paper products
  • 43 percent reduction office paper supplies through digital technologies
  • Composted approximately 1 million lbs food waste
  • 16 percent reduction Petroleum use

Bay Baby Produce believes it is more important than ever to support efforts of environmental stewardship in order to keep its employees, families, community, and Mother Earth healthy

In addition, as part of its environmental stewardship plan, Bay Baby Produce provides continual training and management, as well as partners with retailers and nonprofit organizations to help reduce its environmental impact.

As more fresh produce leaders go green, AndNowUKnow will continue to bring the industry the most up-to-date news.

Bay Baby Produce