BAKERSFIELD, CA - The California grapevines are beginning to buzz with the anticipation of a fresh harvest. As the Golden State’s season gets underway for Castle Rock Vineyards, Sales Manager Laura Berryessa lent me some insights for the coming weeks.
“We anticipate having good supplies of excellent quality grapes throughout the season,” Laura shares.
Castle Rock is all set to start harvesting in Coachella, California, usually kicking things in gear a little closer to summer when colors are full, sizing is up, and the fruit is at its best to eat well.
“Volume looks to be normal overall—of course, what we learned last year is that Mother Nature can put a snag in the best of plans,” Laura adds with the cautious optimism of an industry expert. “Current projections are looking good thus far.”
Castle Rock is committed to consistently delivering the highest quality grapes possible, reducing shrink at the store by hooking customers on an amazing eating experience. The grower offers a variety of red, green, and black grapes that can be explored here, controlling every aspect of the growing, picking, packing, cooling, and shipping of its product.
As we continue to report on the season, AndNowUKnow will keep you apprised of the latest in this and other dynamic fresh categories.