Church Brothers and True Leaf Farms Discuss Clean Power Station, Partnership with Concentric Power

Tue. April 17th, 2018 - by Robert Schaulis

SALINAS, CA - At Church Brothers and True Leaf Farms, we are committed to continuously improving our sustainability efforts from seed to plate. This year, we’re celebrating Earth Day by sharing our story on just one of the many ways we are improving our carbon footprint to secure the future of our land and the environment—every day.

Clean Power Station

Our Clean Power Station, built in partnership with Concentric Power, is an exclusive approach that provides a clean energy solution with natural gas cogeneration. The first-of-its-kind technology helps us create less emissions, gain energy independence, and re-engineer how we produce cold air and water for our salad processing facility.

Inside the Clean Power Station

By combining electric power and thermal energy at the same time, Concentric Power captures heat that would otherwise be lost during the production of electricity and, instead, provides a clean energy source and returns power back to the grid.

At Church Brothers and True Leaf Farms we celebrate and respect Mother Earth: 365 days a year.

Every day we are working on:

  • Reducing #FoodWaste with our Imperfect product line,
  • Managing our soil, water, and ecosystems through our farming practices,
  • And reducing our waste at the field and plant level.

Learn more at

Church Brothers Farms