Church Brothers Farms Details Quick Transition in Video Exclusive

Mon. November 6th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

SALINAS & YUMA, CA - At Church Brothers Farms, we farm and produce our salads where our veggies are in season, for a year-round supply.

April through November we are in Salinas and the San Juan Valley of California for Spring and Summer seasons. Then, November through April, we are in Yuma, Arizona, and California's Imperial Valley for the Winter season.

Twice a year, we uproot our True Leaf Farms team and entire salad plant to enable us to produce our salads at the source. This assures our customers get the freshest product possible.

With the work of 200 people and 60 trucks, we break down, move 500 miles, and rebuild our salad plant in 58 hours.

Why do we do this? For our customers. To make the freshest salad possible—so they come back for more!

We salute our True Leaf Farms salad plant team.

Church Brothers Farms