HBF International Marketing Manager Lori Hickey Discusses Cranberry Market as Holidays Approach

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Wed. November 2nd, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

MCMINNVILLE, OR - With Thanksgiving and Christmas growing ever closer on the horizon and cranberry-themed dishes rounding out consumers’ plates, HBF International reports that the cranberry market is on track for the current season.

Lori Hickey, Marketing Manager, Hurst's Berry FarmsLori Hickey, Marketing Manager, Hurst's Berry Farms

“This season we’re seeing great quality fruit with good sizing,” Marketing Manager Lori Hickey tells me of the company’s current crop harvesting out of Greyland, WA, and Oregon. “We are into our later season varieties such as MacFarlands and Stevens, and expect to be done with our harvest by next week.” 

Lori says that although the company is already wrapping up its harvest, HBF International plans to continue to pack its stored fruit in order to have a plentiful supply throughout the holiday season.

“Our programs and pricing are consistent with last season, with the market right on track for this time of year as well,” Lori says. “We always see demand spike for cranberries as we get closer to Thanksgiving promotions, and we remain strong with product throughout that time.” 

This year has been a wet one for the Northwest harvesting areas, which has impacted growers who utilize a dry harvest method for cranberries. Lori says that while dry harvesting is HBF International’s preference for collecting berries, companies who wet harvest their fruit shouldn’t be affected by this season’s weather. 

Lori tells me that although HBF International is experiencing slightly lower volume than normal for its cranberry harvest, the company is quickly making up for the light dip by adding more growers than ever into its portfolio of farmers. Overall for the industry, Northwest volume remains steady with domestic regions on time. 

So as consumers begin to flush out their menu plans with cranberry-filled dreams, what tips does HBF International have for shoppers and retailers? 

“We encourage the consumer to think outside the box with more usage ideas than just their traditional Thanksgiving meal,” Lori finishes. “We are always willing to help consumers and retailers alike expand beyond their current ideas and materials with cranberries.”

As the season progresses, stay with AndNowUKnow for a current read on the relevant holiday markets.  

HBF International