Mission Produce, Inc. Celebrates 35 Years of Innovation at PMA Fresh Summit

Wed. October 17th, 2018 - by Lillie Apostolos

OXNARD, CA - Something big happened to me this year: I turned 30! This huge milestone was one I was so excited to reach, but Mission Produce has got me beat. The avocado distributor is ringing in its 35th year of providing the pretty green fruit by announcing its 35 Years of Innovation intiative at PMA Fresh Summit. There, the company will highlight its ingenuity over the years and showcase what’s ahead, as Mission Produce continues to carve out its path and lead the industry in exciting new ways.

Steve Barnard, President and CEO, Mission Produce“For the past 35 years, we have been risk-takers,” noted Steve Barnard, President and CEO. “This avocado revolution is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and we do not plan on slowing down anytime soon. It’s only half-time.”

The long list of accomplishments is a mile long, but one of note is the company’s position as a pioneer for the nationwide U.S. avocado ripening program. This initiative was the first to commercially import avocados from Chile, and the first to open an avocado ripening and distribution center in China, according to a press release.

Jim Donovan, Senior Vice President of Global Sourcing, Mission Produce“Mission simply pays attention and seizes opportunities,” said Jim Donovan, Senior VP of Global Sourcing. “We will continue to capitalize on being the most innovative and quality-centric avocado handler in the world.”

Innovation is a core value for Mission Produce. The company attributes success to this foundational characteristic, as it operated in nine countries and owns eleven ripening facilities in North America, Europe, and China. Team members and partners who have helped put Mission Produce at the forefront of innovation are one of the many ways the company is thankful.

Ross Wileman, Senior VP of Strategic Initiatives, Mission Produce“Although we have grown tremendously in the last 35 years, our core values remain the same. Our employees abide by the acronym FIRST, which stands for fun, innovative, reliable, successful, and trustworthy. We will continue building this business by investing in relationships, living by the motto ‘work hard, play hard,’ and showing our partners our devotion for success. We are looking forward to connecting with everyone at PMA and celebrating this momentous occasion,” said Ross Wileman, Senior VP of Strategic Initiatives.

Part of Mission Produce's Innovations include its size-minded program, opening ripening and distribution centers, and creating new packaging

So, it's settled: 35 Years of Innovation is the theme of my birthday party in five more years' time because, as Mission knows and has tapped into, everyone likes to celebrate fabulous achievements.

Congratulations on this milestone, Mission Produce. We look forward to seeing what creativity you bring to the industry’s table moving forward!

Mission Produce