Nature Fresh Farms® Partners with Koidra for Greenhouse Automation Trial; Octavio Perez Rodriguez and Kenneth Tran Comment

Thu. August 8th, 2024 - by Peggy Packer

LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO, CANADA - Harnessing advanced tech integration to enhance its productivity and overall greenhouse operations, Nature Fresh Farms® is seeing the benefits of a cutting-edge alliance. The greenhouse grower unveiled a new trial partnership with Koidra, an expert in AI-based automation for controlled environment agriculture (CEA).

Octavio Perez Rodriguez, Director, Growing Operations, Nature Fresh Farms®

“We are excited to partner with Koidra in this innovative trial,” said Octavio Perez Rodriguez, Director, Growing Operations at Nature Fresh Farms. “Their AI-based automation technology represents the future of sustainable agriculture. By integrating Koidra’s solutions, we aim to enhance our operational efficiency and continue providing high-quality produce to our customers.”

Koidra's AI-powered solutions—DataPilot and KoPilot—offer a comprehensive approach to greenhouse management, integrating data from various sensors and hardware and providing real-time insights and autonomous control of climate, lighting, and irrigation systems to maintain optimal greenhouse growing conditions.

Nature Fresh Farms® unveiled a new trial partnership with Koidra, an expert in AI-based automation for controlled environment agriculture

Through the partnership, Nature Fresh Farms will utilize the company’s state-of-the-art AI technology to streamline its greenhouse operations, reduce energy costs, and maximize crop yields.

Kenneth Tran, Chief Executive Officer, Koidra

“Koidra is thrilled to collaborate with Nature Fresh Farms, a leader in the greenhouse industry,” said Kenneth Tran, Chief Executive Officer of Koidra. “Our mission is to empower growers with cutting-edge technology that optimizes their operations. This trial will demonstrate the significant impact our AI solutions can have on large-scale greenhouse production.”

According to a press release, the trial will focus on several key objectives:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Utilizing Koidra’s AI algorithms to optimize energy and resource usage for heating, lighting, and irrigation
  • Labor Optimization: Reducing the burden on skilled labor through the automation of routine tasks and environmental adjustments
  • Increased Yields: Maximizing crop production potential by maintaining consistent and optimal growing conditions

The duo will monitor and analyze the trial’s outcomes, aiming to showcase improvements in productivity, energy savings, and overall operational efficiency.

This innovative partnership between two industry trailblazers signifies a key step in the evolution of controlled environment agriculture and ag technology.

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