Nature Fresh Farms Wins Two Awards at the Perfect Pepper Competition

Mon. June 16th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO - Nature Fresh Farms received two awards at the 8th annual Greenhouse Competition in Leamington, Ontario.  It won for Best Overall and Best Orange Bell in the Perfect Pepper category.

The Orange Bell is grown inside of Nature Fresh Farms' high tech greenhouses and is a new category to its 2014 lineup, according to the Nature Fresh website.  It is USDA certified organic. 

Nature Fresh Farms Wins Two Awards at the Perfect Pepper Competition

Nature Fresh has competed several times in the Perfect Pepper competition in recent years and won a number of awards, according to a press release.

Its greenhouse peppers and tomatoes are currently in full production.

Congratulations on the awards!

Nature Fresh