Partnership for a Healthier America and Foundation for Fresh Produce Join Forces to Host Produce for All Leadership Summit; Cathy Burns and Noreen Springstead Comment

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Tue. June 11th, 2024 - by Anne Allen

WASHINGTON, DC - Just this past Monday, Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) and the International Fresh Produce Association’s Foundation for Fresh Produce co-hosted the first-ever Produce for All Leadership Summit. This invite-only event gathered 130 leaders from across sectors to share knowledge and create an actionable plan to double produce consumption in communities around the United States.

Cathy Burns, Chief Executive Officer, International Fresh Produce Association

"One of my heroes, Margaret Mead, once remarked about how a small, thoughtful group of individuals can change the world. The Produce for All Leadership Summit united leaders from across many disciplines and industries to focus on the singular goal of doubling consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in communities throughout the nation," said Cathy Burns, Chief Executive Officer of the International Fresh Produce Association. "I am confident the strategic and creative approaches discussed will take root in new programs and interventions that will ultimately improve health outcomes and reduce the incidences of diet-related disease in the years ahead. Thank you to all who participated and will embark on this mission with us."

The event began with a keynote from farmer and food justice activist Karen Washington before hearing from Cindy Long, Administrator at the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. They then listened to a panel moderated by Dr. Caree Cotwright, Director of Nutrition Security and Health Equity at the USDA, and a group of panelists focused on the work already underway to double produce consumption in 15 cities by 2030.

Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) and the International Fresh Produce Association’s Foundation for Fresh Produce recently co-hosted the first-ever Produce for All Leadership Summit

For a deeper dive into the event’s takeaways, click here.

Noreen Springstead, President and Chief Executive Officer, Partnership for a Healthier America

“There are many causes of food and nutrition insecurity, but one thing that’s clear is that it’s not because of a lack of nutritious food—it’s about ensuring that everyone, in every zip code in America, has the same access to that nutritious food,” said Noreen Springstead, President and CEO of PHA. “I’m inspired by the commitment and collaboration I saw today around addressing those barriers to access that too many communities face. Together, we are demonstrating the power of produce and what it can do to lift up communities and improve the health of Americans across the country.”

Keep reading us here at ANUK for more insights across the fresh produce sector.