Progressive Produce's Gael Vazquez and Veronica Rodarte Discuss Organic Portfolio and Opportunities

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Tue. January 16th, 2024 - by Chandler James

LOS ANGELES, CA - Whether it’s potatoes, onions, yams, citrus, or asparagus, Progressive Produce has what you need to meet consumer demand for nutritious and wholesale offerings. The company’s comprehensive Nature's Bounty organic program has roots that date back to 2007 when the supplier recognized the growing demand for organic produce.

Gael Vazquez, Vice President of Procurement and Grower Relations, Progressive Produce
Gael Vazquez, Vice President of Procurement and Grower Relations, Progressive Produce

“Customers were beginning to ask for organics, and Progressive already had a network of potato and onion growers we were working with, so it made that much more sense," commented Gael Vazquez, Vice President of Procurement and Grower Relations.

Since its inception, the program has expanded significantly and evolved from primarily local supply sources to growing and sourcing from over six states and three different countries. Progressive Produce now operates multiple packing and shipping points staffed with personnel across the West Coast, a press release explained, ensuring year-round availability of organic products.

Progressive Produce has a comprehensive portfolio of organic potatoes, onions, yams, citrus, and asparagus to satisfy consumer demand
Progressive Produce has a comprehensive portfolio of organic potatoes, onions, yams, citrus, and asparagus to satisfy consumer demand

"Good people make the biggest difference, and we have a great team and work with great people. The growers we work with are always working to improve their quality and standards. I always preach about our service because I can’t emphasize it enough," Vazquez adds. "Our relentless dedication to understanding customer needs is reflected in its ability to source from various regions, ensuring a consistent supply that meets specific program requirements."

Vazquez also noted that, with good supply and great quality available, now is a great time to showcase organics.

The Nature's Bounty organic program has roots that date back to 2007 when the supplier recognized the growing demand for organic produce
The Nature's Bounty organic program has roots that date back to 2007 when the supplier recognized the growing demand for organic produce

The produce provider has also expanded its offerings to include conventional and organic mandarins, with flexible packaging options to meet customer preferences.

Veronica Rodarte, Chili, Citrus, and Herb Commodity Manager, Progressive Produce
Veronica Rodarte, Chili, Citrus, and Herb Commodity Manager, Progressive Produce

"We entered the bulk citrus market in 2016, followed by organics shortly after. We've expanded by partnering with growers in all California citrus regions and Mexico," shared Veronica Rodarte, Chili, Citrus, and Herb Commodity Manager. "Our peak supply for organic navels is right now! Although volume is slightly down this year due to intense rains and increased pest pressure in California in 2023, the fruit tastes exceptional, and the cool nights have made it extra sweet."

Roderte continued, noting that, "Keeping a consistent display of organic citrus in bulk and bags and promoting the high Vitamin C content and health benefits provides an ideal environment for reaching out to consumers. Additionally, advertising organic citrus with other organic items can also improve sales of the entire category."

Cheers to an increase in organic opportunities!