UNITED STATES - New findings reveal that shifting to see-through packaging can mean big sales increases at the retail aisle. A report issued by the Wall Street Journal showed that many consumers feel that products they can see taste better, feel less artificial, and have fresher ingredients, than their covered up counterparts. For the produce industry, a sector of the economy whose selling point is the fresh, natural quality of its products, seizing on these results could serve to emphasize the best of what it brings to the retail game.
Larabar Uber's transition to see-through packaging highlights the benefits that can come with embracing this approach. According to the Wall Street Journal, JoAnne Garbe, Packaging Research and Development Manager for General Mills, spent over a year testing see-through plastics for General Mills Larabars. The result, which hit the retail aisle earlier this year, has been a huge hit with consumers. Garbe told the Journal that consumer preference surveys reveal Larabars sold in the new packaging “tasted better, felt less artificial and the ingredients seemed fresher” even though the ingredients themselves were unchanged.
The sight of "simple, wholesome ingredients," can be a powerful sales driver, Julia Wing-Larson, a Marketing Manager for Larabar, told the Wall Street Journal. "You eat with your eyes."
Similarly Coca-Cola's Simply Orange juice has gained substantial ground on PepsiCo's Tropicana brand because Coca-Cola was the first to transition to a clear, pitcher-shaped serving container. According to the article, this packaging gave Simply Orange juice a fresher feeling and taste.
For more on getting the most out of your brand's packaging, check out this article in AndNowUKnow's latest edition of our print publication, The Snack: “Can Your Produce Brand Work Harder at the Shelf.”
While the Wall Street Journal did note that some products such as oatmeal or granola do not benefit from see-through packaging the way most do because they can begin to take on a “dusty” look on the shelf, it would be highly unlikely for these concerns to translate over to fresh produce. In fact, the produce industry is fortunate that its products are the ideal type to capitalize on this packaging type.
The selling point of pre-packaged and value-added produce are its bright colors, sense of healthiness, and freshness. These are the same qualities that customers are saying that see-through packaging promotes which would mean that adopting this packaging would naturally emphasize the best qualities of the product.
Many growers are already taking advantage of the possibilities see-through packaging offers. Check out Village Farms' products for a great example of what a marketer can do with it.
The way I see it, if “seeing is believing” then fresh produce has a big leg up on the competition. The industry already has a great, attractive product. All that's left is to show it.