United Fresh: Nikki Rodoni To Chair Sustainability Advisory Board

Fri. September 2nd, 2011

<p>The United Fresh Produce Association Foundation, whose goal is to make available fruits and vegetables that are safe, healthy, and affordable, is welcoming Nikki Rodoni to their Center for Global Produce Sustainability. She is the first to chair the Center&rsquo;s Advisory Board. Rodoni is the director of sustainability for Gills Onions, an Oxnard, California based producer that has won several awards for its sustainability efforts. Included in these awards are the 2009 Governor&rsquo;s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA), the 2010 Green California Leadership Award, the Waste Reduction Award Program (WRAP), and the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Golden State Award. As creator of the sustainability department at Gills Onions, Rodoni has worked to attain zero waste, measure and report greenhouse gas emissions, decrease water usage and utilize onion waste to produce renewable energy. United Fresh Vice President of Environmental Affairs and Sustainability Burleson Smith stated, &ldquo;We&rsquo;re excited to work together to help our members and the entire industry make progress on what is a very important issue in sustainability.&rdquo; Along with Rodoni&rsquo;s appointment as chair of the Advisory Board for The Center for Global Produce Sustainabilty, two more individuals will join the team as well. Gregg Storey, executive director for the Center for Science and Innovation at Clarkson Consulting, will join the board, as will Joel Nielson who is the president of California Citrus Mutual.</p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">