Wonderful Halos and Fowler Packing Company End Partnership

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Wed. July 24th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

LOS ANGELES, CA - Some partnerships last a lifetime and some naturally come to a fruitful end. After a long, successful partnership, one of those is ending. Wonderful® Halos® and Fowler Packing Company have mutually agreed to end their association.

“Both Wonderful and Fowler Packing have individual strengths that suit their ability to offer outstanding products and services to the industry,” a recent statement from the Wonderful Company reflected.

Wonderful Halos and Fowler Packing Company have mutually agreed to end their association

Additionally, it noted that both Wonderful and Fowler remain some of the top producers in the mandarin category and expect that status to continue.

“Each company has the utmost respect for the other and wishes each other continued success in the years to come,” the statement concluded.

Best of luck to both citrus companies and we are excited to see what the road ahead holds!

Wonderful Citrus Fowler Packing