<p>As Atlas Produce heads into the holiday season, the company is expecting an excellent, bountiful harvest of its fresh Californian medjool dates.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"> With a 20% boost in volume from last year, Atlas is anticipating the quality and taste to be nothing short of superb. “Our sizing and taste is absolutely amazing,” says Ben Antongiovanni, Vice President of Sales. “I always encourage the buyer to taste our dates. The taste is really what sells the product.” As a whole, Atlas is indicating that this season’s crop of medjool dates is looking very nice and the company foresees excellent quality all year round.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"> In terms of retail support, Atlas will be offering its dates in 8oz and 12oz clamshells and a 16oz and 32oz tub, along with 12oz date rolls. “Dates are one of the fast growing items in the dried fruit section,” adds Antongiovanni. “If a store doesn’t have them in stock year round, they are missing the boat.” At this year’s PMA Fresh Summit, Atlas will not only be showing off the new clamshell packaging, but the company will also be sampling its fresh Californian medjool dates at booth #4319.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Stop by the booth #4319 to taste Atlas’ delicious coconut date rolls and almond date rolls!</p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><p><a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary col-lg-12" style="white-space: normal;" href=" http://www.atlasproduce.com/?q=node/32/medjool-dates" target="_new"> Atlas Produce </a></p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">