Bee Sweet Citrus Starts New #EatMoreCitrus Campaign

Tue. February 2nd, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

FOWLER, CA - With cold and flu season officially knocking on our doors, Bee Sweet’s marketing team is taking to social media to help consumers combat illness through the company’s new #EatMoreCitrus campaign

Monique Bienvenue, Director of Communications, Bee Sweet Citrus

“The only way to successfully get over a cold, or to help prevent one all together, is to strengthen one’s immune system,” explained Monique Bienvenue, Bee Sweet Citrus’ Director of Communications. “Fortunately for us, citrus is a great source of Vitamin C and other essential nutrients necessary to help strengthen one’s immunity.” 

Bee Sweet Citrus' Cara Caras

Using a variety of social media platforms, the Bee Sweet marketing team plans on utilizing the hashtag, #EatMoreCitrus to help spread knowledge to consumers about the health benefits associated with citrus. The company is seeking to help spread awareness about the importance of healthy eating, as well as the benefits of incorporating citrus into one’s diet.

“Citrus is more than just a tasty snack, it’s a delicious super food that can help do wonders for your body,” added Bienvenue. “Whether you’re in need of additional Vitamin C or an extra boost of energy, citrus should be your go-to snack.”

Bee Sweet Citrus' Meyer Lemons

According to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, adult men need 90 mg of Vitamin C, while adult women need 75 mg of Vitamin C per day, says Bee Sweet. On average, one medium sized orange provides 85% of one’s recommended daily intake of Vitamin C, which can help assist one’s immune system to properly protect the body from disease.

And Vitamin C isn’t the only benefit citrus fruits can give us—they are also an excellent source of dietary fiber, Vitamin A, folate, and potassium. For more information, check out

Bee Sweet Citrus