Bell Pepper Update

Mon. November 28th, 2011

Gene Coughlin, Pepper Category Director for Sun World International, stated, “Right now we are still harvesting out of San Joaquin and shipping out of Bakersfield, California. The weather has not affected the production in any negative way so far. The peppers have been very nice throughout the San Joaquin harvest. Supply is good, it’s good through this week and it will be a little lighter next week, which is pretty much normal as we make that transition from San Joaquin Valley over to the coast.”<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Mike Aiton, Marketing Director for Prime Time International, said quote, “The weather has finally straightened out and things are about as normal as normal can be right now. There hasn’t been any weather incidences in the past month or so. The harvesting throughout California, probably from San Diego to Salinas, you know, the best quality of the year we have is usually from the coastal areas.”<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">