Bobalu Details Promising Fall Crop Update

Fri. September 13th, 2024 - by Chandler James

OXNARD & SANTA MARIA, CA - Bobalu has reported Santa Maria is setting up nicely for a great peak fall season in the next few weeks. The grower is thankful to see the weather cooperating and is very happy with the current fruit size, color, and firmness it’s seeing so far from the strawberries.

“We like what we see with the new Salma variety and currently have plans to increase acreage next year if all goes well,” Bobalu shared in an update. “The fruit looks and tastes great, and the plants are very healthy. The plants and leaves are definitely larger than those of the Portola, but so far we haven’t seen any issues stemming from that difference.”

Bobalu has reported Santa Maria is setting up nicely for a great peak fall season in the next few weeks, and is happy with the current fruit size, color, and firmness it’s seeing so far from the strawberries

While peak season is on the horizon in Santa Maria, the volume is still lower overall than expected, with the word ‘peak’ due to a shorter season and fewer acres than the grower has during the summer peak. The update stated how the company looks forward to welcoming the fall crop beginning soon in Oxnard, and to covering its program retailers, ensuring that demand is fulfilled first.

The Oxnard fall harvest is expected to begin mid-to-late October and will help carry Bobalu into the busy holiday season.

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