SACRAMENTO, CA - In a response to the news that 450 workers on a 124-acre Gourmet Blueberry-California LLC farm walked off the job this past Monday, California Fresh Fruit Association President (CFFA), Barry Bedwell, released a statement to the organization’s members. According to his statement, the strike occurred when it was announced by management to employees that, due to declining market prices for blueberries, their piece rate wages would be reduced.
The statement goes on to explain that the Agricultural Labor Relations Act (ALRA) requires that during such a strike, an accelerated process for a union representation election is triggered.
“The United Farm Workers (UFW) immediately became involved and a petition was filed on Wednesday, May 14th, of which 424 or the 450 employees signed, to conduct such a representation election,” Bedwell explained in the association-wide email.
The election will likely take place today, May 20th, he added, noting that the UFW will be conducting their National Convention this weekend in Bakersfield, where former President Bill Clinton will be addressing the audience.
“We can expect that the amount of publicity related to this election will therefore be expanded,” he said. “As this situation continues to develop, CFFA will keep members apprised of any new information.”
CFFA urges that if you have any questions or concerns regarding the activity currently taking place, contact President Barry Bedwell at [email protected]. For more updates as they’re announced, continue checking in with AndNowUKnow.