Former Agriculture Secretaries Announce Support for USMCA

Thu. September 19th, 2019 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

U.S., MEXICO - Almost a full year ago, Canada, the U.S., and Mexico agreed to enter a trade deal that would replace the framework of NAFTA. Then, back in June, Mexico was the first country to pass said agreement, known as USMCA. Now that the agreement is entering its final stages, all former U.S. Secretaries of Agriculture since President Reagan’s Administration announced support for the USMCA.

According to a press release, former Secretaries John Block (Reagan), Mike Espy (Clinton), Dan Glickman (Clinton), Ann Veneman (W. Bush), Mike Johanns (W. Bush), Ed Shafer (W. Bush), and Tom Vilsack (Obama) underscored the importance of passing USMCA saying, “We need a strong and reliable trade deal with our top two customers for U.S. agriculture products. USMCA will provide certainty in the North American market for the U.S. farm sector and rural economy. We strongly support ratification of USMCA.”

As USMCA reach its end point more support is being spoken by former US Secretaries of Agriculture

Following the announcement, current Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued another statement.

Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture, USA“President Trump has fulfilled a promise, which many said couldn’t be done, to renegotiate NAFTA and improve the standing of the entire American economy, including the agriculture sector,” he said. “Support for USMCA crosses all political parties, specifically when it comes to the agriculture community, and I am proud to stand side by side with former agriculture secretaries who agree USMCA is good news for American farmers. I commend President Trump and Ambassador Lighthizer for their perseverance, leadership, and hard work to get USMCA across the finish line.”

Former Secretaries Vilsack, Glickman, and Block joined Secretary Perdue at USDA today for a press conference to reiterate their support for USMCA. You can watch the conference by visiting the USDA Facebook page. To see the letter from Secretaries John Block, Mike Espy, Dan Glickman, Ann Veneman, Mike Johanns, Ed Shafer, and Tom Vilsack to Congressional leadership, view the USDA Former Secretaries USMCA Letter.

Keep our pulse at AndNowUKnow as we cover the final stages of this exciting agreement.