New Board Members are Appointed to the National Mango Board

Tue. September 13th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

ORLANDO, FL - The USDA’s Agriculture Secretary, Tom J. Vilsack, appointed six members to the National Mango Board beginning January 1, 2017.

Manuel Michel, Executive Director, National Mango Board

“We would like to thank the NMB members that will be completing their term this year for serving on the board and for representing the mango industry,” Manuel Michel, Executive Director of the NMB, said in a press release. “The knowledge and expertise they bring to the NMB truly makes a difference and drives the success and growth of our industry.”

Members who have completed their terms on the board for their service to the mango industry included Jorge Perez of Sinaloa, Mexico; Reynaldo Hilbck of Piura, Peru; Altamir Martins of Fortaleza, Brazil; and Sergio Palala of San Carlos, CA.

“The NMB also extends a welcome to those members who have just been appointed to serve on the board during the 2017-2019 term,” Michel said.

The appointees include four new members and two returning members. Both importers and foreign producers were appointed, including:

  • Chris Ciruli of Tubac, AZ (Importer)
  • Jiovani Guevara of C.H. Robinson, Phoenix, AZ (Importer)
  • Marsela Mcgrane-Vogel of San Pedro, CA
  • Norberto Galvan of Tapachula, Mexico (Foreign Producer)
  • Joaquin Balarezo of Piura, Peru (Foreign Producer)
  • Eddy Martinez of Guatemala City, Guatemala (Foreign Producer)

The NMB noted that both Mr. Ciruli, COO of Ciruli Brothers, and Mr. Guevara, Global Grower Development Manager at C.H. Robinson, are returning to the board to serve a second consecutive term.

In regards to the new members appointed to serve, Michel continued, “We look forward to working with them to develop new strategies and projects that will continue to support the industry and increase mango awareness and consumption.”

Having each been appointed to a three-year-long term with the NMB, the new members’ terms will close on December 31, 2019.

National Mango Board