Scientists in Australia Create the Broccolatte

Wed. June 6th, 2018 - by Kayla Webb

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - I like to eat eat eat broccoli and coffee, and now we all can drink drink drink broccoli in our coffee. Wait, what?

Well, Australian coffee shop goers can drink broccoli coffee; for now, Americans are safe from seeing the Breve Broccoli Frappuccino on Starbucks menus and beyond.

According to The Guardian, the Australian government science agency CSIRO, in partnership with agriculture group Hort Innovation, is taking imperfect broccoli bunches, grinding them up, and turning them into a powder that one Melbourne café has started stirring into its coffee drinks.


CSIRO first revealed what it dubbed the Broccolatte in a tweet, touting an easy way to squeeze healthy eating into consumers’ busy days as two tablespoons of powder is equivalent to one serving of veggies. In fact, CSIRO initially designed the powder to get those who run the opposite direction screaming at the sight of green veg to get all the necessary nutrients easily and on-the-go.

 John Lloyd, Chief Executive, Hort Innovation“Research shows the average Australian is still not eating the recommended daily intake of vegetables a day, and options such as broccoli powder will help address this,” said John Lloyd, Chief Executive of Hort Innovation, according to The Guardian.

And our morning cup of joe isn’t the only, or even best, culinary choice CSIRO was hoping consumers could toss broccoli powder into, listing smoothies, soups, and baked goods as potential options as well. Along with powder, CSIRO is in the process of developing a range of snacks with the goal of reducing vegetable waste and the loss of “ugly” produce.

While the Internet is insisting broccoli stay a source of inspiration for latte art, will vegetable powder appear on more coffee shop menus around the world? AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the versatility of fresh fruit and vegetables.