MILLEN, GA - After careful deliberation, the Southeast Produce Council is pleased to announce this year's SEPC Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship recipient. The association named Mark Fuehrer, son of Milton Fuehrer of Michigan Fresh Marketing, as this year’s recipient.
According to a press release, the recipients of the Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship receive a one-time scholarship of $5,000. All SEPC scholarships are awarded to applicants who meet the application criteria of having a parent or grandparent who is a corporate member in good standing with the SEPC.

Applicants must be either graduating high school seniors or enrolled as college freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
As the association went on to note, the scholarship was established to memorialize Jim Nolan, who took an ethical stand on a business matter at great cost to himself. As a result of his professional ethics, Nolan was ostracized by colleagues and remained isolated in his efforts to maintain moral integrity in his workplace. Tragically, Nolan passed away before the trial that vindicated his actions by a judge and a jury of 13 who found in his favor.
SEPC offers its sincere thanks to Theresa Nolan for providing this scholarship to the members of the Southeast Produce Council.
Congratulations to Mark Fuehrer on this scholarship!