WENATCHEE, WA – Apples are going head-to-head in Stemilt’s newest football-themed retail promotion, which coincides with some of the biggest sports events of the year.
The “Apple Gridiron” promotion pits together two different apples and asks consumers to vote on their favorite by purchasing their preferred variety.
Roger Pepperl, Stemilt’s Marketing Director, said that the promotion is a fun way to engage the consumer and bring football into store displays and apple ads.
“Super Bowl is right around the corner and an important time to promote apples in the produce department,” he said. “It’s a fun way to get people excited about apples and the Super Bowl, which is the most watched sports event of the year.”
Participating retailers will be able to promote 3-6 apple varieties at a time, with two of the varieties being featured as the two teams for the voting contest. Retailers can choose between running bulk apple ads or they can feature Stemilt’s Lil Snappers® kid-sized fruit in a promotion.
“Lil Snappers are a brand that consumers recognize and work well for in-and-out promotions like the Apple Gridiron because of the grab-and-go style of the bag,” Pepperl continued. “Lil Snappers are available in the select apple varieties that kids favor.”
To learn more about how the Lil Snappers brand has reached 4,500 retailers nationwide, check out previous story by clicking here.
To support the Apple Gridiron promotion, Stemilt can provide retailers with customized postcards for the two apples in the competition, as well as social media programs that will encourage consumers to participate in the Apple Gridiron promotion. In addition, the company can also help assist retailers with setting up retail display or sales contests utilizing this unique promotion.
Stemilt said that in February, apples contributed 6.8% of total produce department dollars on average over the past two years. With that said, this promotion looks to be a great way to not only continue selling apples through the winter months, but also take advantage of the upcoming college bowl games, the NFL playoffs, and the Super Bowl.