Claudie Berry, Director of Category Management for Watermelons, Crescent Fruit & Vegetable<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Right now we are harvesting in the state if Guerrero, Mexico. We started there around the first of February and we will run through the fifteenth of April. We have a pretty good crop down there. Weather has not affected us in that area at all. Peak season out of that area is actually right now and will run through the end of March. Supply is light; all of Mexico's supply is light. Market is really good and looks to remain at those numbers through the end of this month. Starting around the first week of April there will be more promotable volume out of there with more aggressive pricing. <hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Jeremy Giovannetti, Manager, Timco Worldwide<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">We are currently harvesting in Honduras and a couple different areas in Southern Mexico. Southern Mexico has definitely had below normal temperatures, they are starting to rebound where we are seeing normal temperatures now but for the last couple months it definitely held supply back. Supply has been light on both conventional watermelons and on minis. In the West, supplies have been extremely tight, there just hasn't been much fruit coming into Nogales at all. So there has been a real disparity between East and West. The West has tilled pretty strong and the market have remained strong.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Gordon Hunt, Director of Marketing, National Watermelon Promotion Board<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Supply looks like it should be fairly good. Generally you can sell all the watermelon you can grown. You always have to keep your fingers crossed, as you always have weather events, some places you will have droughts, some places there will be storms. There is always a late season potential in Florida and Texas. But then you can also get into hurricane season, so you never know. The market has gotten stronger every year for the past five years, particularly in the Winter months. We have been telling retailers for a long time, if you have watermelon in the store, people will buy it. We are trying to wean people off of the idea that the only way you can eat watermelon is in the dead of Summer, at a picnic, on the weekend, eating big slices of it.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">