Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Squash? Adorable Pup Flees From Squash

Wed. May 8th, 2019 - by Maggie Mead

UNITED KINGDOM - The life of a dog is a hard one. Endless belly rubs and naps can inevitably lead to a canine ennui the likes of which we humans can hardly imagine—and that’s not counting the produce-related terrors hiding around every corner. At least that’s what one British dog who shares my distaste for squash would have you believe.

Zeus, a Staffordshire cross, has found a new arch-enemy in a butternut squash his owner had brought home one afternoon. In an encounter that his owner, Bethany Davies, wisely recorded, Zeus confronts the evil gourd from a safe distance, rightfully uttering a few warning woofs. One can only imagine the terror that this Thanos-level produce villain inflicted on poor Zeus, who kept his guard up till the squash was removed from the premises.

Pitbull Zeus loves people, hates squash

“We only got Zeus a few weeks ago. He’s just over six months old. I think he hadn’t seen a squash before,” Davies said to Metro UK about her pupper’s profound reaction. “Maybe it was the smell or the size but even when I hid it from him, he was still going mental. I had to take it outside. It looks like I won’t be having butternut squash any time soon.” 

Let’s all raise a glass to Zeus, may he never again encounter such a threatening veg.

For more news on produce-averse pets, keep reading AndNowUKnow.