UNITED STATES - With the Yuma, Arizona, harvest underway for the vegetable category, Duda Farm Fresh Foods has its eyes on both coasts to ensure demands are met for the holiday season.
Nichole Towell, Senior Director of Marketing and Packaging Procurement, Duda Farm Fresh Foods“While celery supplies are tightening industry-wide as cooler weather and quality issues arise on the West Coast, East Coast supply continues to keep the market strong as we prepare to harvest in late December,” Nichole Towell, Senior Director of Marketing and Packaging Procurement for Duda Farm Fresh Foods, said. “Iceberg lettuce demand continues to exceed supply, with Romaine, Romaine hearts, and green and red leaf lettuce continuing to see consistent demand. Broccoli and cauliflower availability remains limited as colder temperatures persist in West Coast growing regions.”
As we recently reported, parts of California and the West Coast saw some wet weather, even snow in the higher altitudes, and as a result the state’s growing region is seeing chances of rain while temps range between a low of degrees in the mid-30 to highs in the 60s.
With the Yuma, Arizona, harvest underway for the vegetable category, Duda Farm Fresh Foods has its eyes on both coasts to ensure demands are met for the holiday season
Arizona, too, is seeing a cooler forecast with lows in the 40s and highs in the 70s.
Duda has consistently put preparations into practice in years past of planting in anticipation of increased demand for the unique demands of the holiday season, and I have no doubt the longstanding grower will continue to work with and amid what Mother Nature has in store as the remainder of 2022 winds down.
With Christmas Eve and Day falling on a weekend, it is fair to say holiday parties will be in high fashion, as will the produce purchases to support them. As information on how to support that demand is made known, AndNowUKnow will continue to report the latest.