Wounded Warrior Youth Softball Team Making A Difference

Wed. August 20th, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

ALEXANDRIA, VA - The Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team is making a huge impact in the lives of disabled children with a summer camp for softball lovers who have suffered a limb amputation in their young lives. The produce industry has a proud tradition of generosity and giving back to worthy causes. After reading about this organization, I frankly could not imagine a cause more worthy of the industry's attention.

Wounded Warrior Youth Softball Team Making A Difference

The camp brings together 20 kids aged 8-12 each summer for a life-changing experience in which the focus for once isn't on their limitations or disabilities, but on bonding together as a team and playing the game they love. What makes the camp special is that during the whole experience, the campers are surrounded by friends and teammates just like them. Even the instructors are amputees, veterans of America's military who have lost a limb in service to their country.

Wounded Warrior Youth Softball Team Making A Difference

The testimonials from the parents of former attendees reveal the incredible impact this camp has on the lives of these kids.

“We are forever indebted to you for providing our son Ryan the opportunity to attend the first WWAST Kids Camp. The experience was life-changing for him. For years to come, Ryan will have awesome memories of feeling "special" but yet no different than anyone else!” Peter and Deirdre Fitzpatrick shared after their son attended the camp in 2013.

Wounded Warrior Youth Softball Team Making A Difference

Linda Flood's daughter's experience echoed this sentiment.

“Annie has not stopped talking about the camp, how fun it was, and how much it meant to her to be surrounded by people that truly understand her journey,” she said. “She was inspired to say the least by the stories of all the people around her - kids and adults. It was a life changing camp for Annie, and I will never be able to express my gratitude for all you have done for these kids.”

I highly recommend watching this HBO Sports clip on the camp if you'd like to see first-hand just how much it means to these campers.

If you're anything like me, after watching something like that you're probably thinking: What can I do to help?

There is a donation page set up on the Wounded Warrior Softball Team's website. Its sponsorship list shows that organizations as diverse as the American Postal Workers Union to the Louisville Slugger bat manufacturing company are proud supporters of this great cause. I would love nothing more than for the produce industry join these ranks in support of these amazing ballplayers.

Click here to Donate to the Wounded Warrior Softball Team.  

Wounded Warrior Softball Team