D'Arrigo New York

D'Arrigo New York

D’Arrigo Bros. Co. of New York is a full line wholesale produce distribution enterprise, selling everything you can find in fresh fruit and veg in the world. After more than 50 years in business, what separates us from everybody else in the marketplace is our loyal supplier base.
With well over 300 suppliers working with us, some for decades and generations, D’Arrigo Bros. can offer the finest selection the industry has to offer, item by item, every single day the year-round.
Our customer base, geographically speaking, is the tri-state New York area, stretching from our location in the Bronx inside a 120-mile radius covering all the way out to Montauk, up to Albany, most of Connecticut, and all the way down to the tip of New Jersey.
D’Arrigo Bros. Co. of New York, Inc. can very effectively supply this territory with deliveries every day. Inside that fairly small circle is the most condensed population center in our country, with almost 18 million consumers living there.
D’Arrigo Bros. Co. of New York, Inc. will also ship mixed loads of produce as far away as Florida, Chicago and up to Toronto and Montreal.