David Dever Resigns

Fri. November 18th, 2011

<p><strong>DELANO, CA</strong> &ndash; Pandol Bros, is announcing that its Chief Executive Officer, David Dever, has resigned from the company. He will be leaving to join another major California agricultural firm. Mr. Dever has had a strong and fruitful career with Pandol Bros, and though he admits he will miss the work he has done with the company, he looks forward to a promising business relationship with them in the future. The industry professional has also been recognized with &ldquo;restructuring company ownership to provide for an alignment of product resources and strategic objectives, restructuring the customer base, developing additional profit centers related to the supply chain that diversified the organization, and improving the operations of the post-harvest functions.&rdquo; </p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><p>As an industry asset, the departure is a significant one for all, with both sides acknowledging a time well spent. John Pandol, Director of Special Projects, said, &ldquo;Pandol Bros, Inc. accepts the resignation of David Dever with regret. Dave is a terrific CEO and has been a valuable asset to the company. We are sorry to see him leave and wish him great success in his new position.&rdquo;</p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><p>www.pandol.com</p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">