FreshXperts: Introduces eFreshTrack

Tue. September 6th, 2011

<p>FreshXperts introduces eFreshTrack, their new customer relationship management system. FreshXperts, a consulting group for the produce industry, has designed the new system purposely tailored for growers, shippers, and distributors. The application is hosted online through computer and smartphone access. Companies can track their product and sales, from initiation to completion. All data is stored in a shared online location which prevents information loss in the case of a system crash from individual computers and will also offer protection in the event of staff turnover.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">The application seeks to improve the relationships between sales teams and their clients by providing a higher level of visibility and access to the process. "The eFreshTrack system provides growers, shippers and distributors the opportunity to streamline and gain visibility into the sales process like never before," said Mike Chirveno, expert of customer-facing technology for FreshXperts. "Not only does it make it easier for the sales staff to cultivate and maintain client relationships, eFreshTrack enhances in-house communication and provides managers with a window through which they can view all sales in the pipeline." The customizable feature also syncs well with individual business systems to allow the most efficient transition possible.</p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">