SACRAMENTO, CA – The holiday rush is almost upon us, and as we look to generate as much exposure as we can for our industry friends, we know that buyers are looking at the long-game as well. As they plan for the Thanksgiving and Christmas push and all the festivities that fall in between, we have introduced a holiday issue of The Snack Magazine to debut in November that will be full of WTFs (What the Fork) and UP CLOSE pieces as well core features that will tap into food trends, foodservice innovators, and the arena of burgeoning culinary artistry.
This issue will bring the industry’s most flavor-forward together for an issue that belongs in retailers’, foodservice operators’, and buyers’ kitchens along with their office coffee tables and bookshelves. The barrier to entry? The time you are wasting now ;)
As our industry friends rally around the opportunities in this issue, we let one speak for himself on the ideal time of year to get in front of the buying community and ramp up excitement about the versatility of fresh produce.
Paul Mastronardi, President and CEO, Mastronardi Produce
“November is a great month for The SNACK because everyone is looking forward to the holidays and the unique eating occasions it brings. The WTF theme is a great chance to showcase new products and flavors that will inspire both consumers and retailers to think FRESH this holiday season."
Interested in getting involved? Give us a shout here.
The issue is filling up fast, my friends, hope to see you on the page for November and in the kitchen!