Monterey Mushrooms Welcomes Erica Manfre to Growing Sales Staff

Wed. August 31st, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WATSONVILLE, CA - Monterey Mushrooms is growing the sales team, welcoming one new Sales Manager and hunting for another as the company restructures and expands current job openings.

Erica Manfre, Sales Manager, Monterey MushroomsErica Manfre, who brings a sales and leadership resume spanning ten years, has joined as a Sales Manager to operate from the company’s home base of Watsonville, CA. 

In this new role, Manfre will be responsible for maintaining relationships with customers and will seek new opportunities.

Mike O’Brien, VP of Sales and Marketing, Monterey Mushrooms“I am excited to add Erica Manfre to our sales team,” Mike O’Brien, VP of Sales and Marketing, said in a press release. “Not only will she bring a focus on customer relationship quality to our team, but she will bring  new insights and exuberance to an already talented group.”

Kevin Eichele, Western Region Sales Director and Manfre’s direct supervisor, commented, “Erica’s career path has given her many of the skills we’re looking for in a sales manager. She’s proven to come up with creative ways to drive business initiatives and her experience in produce distribution will bring an interesting perspective to our team.”

Manfre’s joining the team is just one part of the company’s growth.

Not only is Monterey Mushrooms hiring an additional sales manager, responsible for maintaining business relationships with accounts in Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona, but it has also established a marketing internship program.

Lindsey Roberts, Marketing Specialist, Monterey MushroomsThe program is under Marketing Specialist Lindsey Roberts, who reports directly to Mike O’Brien, collaborates with sales, product development, and procurement to execute new concepts to position Monterey Mushrooms as an innovator in the mushroom industry.

This is a team that enjoys friendship, community, and an informal work environment with a culture that looks to embody intellect, integrity, and creative imagination.

For any interested in the sales management position, which would allow for managing business out of their home office in a city that logistically makes sense to the region they would be responsible, can connect with the company here.

Monterey Mushrooms