WASHINGTON - The Organic Trade Association's findings in its US Families' Organic Attitudes & Beliefs 2014 Tracking Study suggest that health and organic food is becoming increasingly synonymous for American consumers with young children.
The 2014 Tracking Study which surveyed more than 1,200 households in the United States with at least one child under the age of 18, found that eight out of ten American families have purchased organic products at least once in the past two years. Almost half of those families who purchased organic products, cited their children's health as the major impetus behind the decision.
“My children influence my purchase of organic food, because I want them to be as healthy as they can be,” commented one of the parents who participated in the survey. “I am responsible for providing my children with all their food since they cannot buy it. I choose healthy and organic foods and they enjoy whatever I give to them. Win-win!” said another parent.
Furthermore in a recent press release, the OTA reveals that 90% of surveyed parents reported that they at least “sometimes” chose organic products for their young children, with almost 25% testifying that they “always” chose organic. Similarly the OTA study found that 74% of daycares across America now feature organic options for the children in their care. Of those surveyed only 19% reported never buying organic, an 11% decline from 5 years ago.
An even deeper commitment to buying organic was found among parents shopping for baby food. Over 33% of these parents said they “always” shopped organic.
“Choosing organic foods is increasingly a large part of how families are trying to take better care of themselves and the planet,” said Laura Batcha, CEO and Executive Director of OTA. “The proportion of families who say they never buy organic food has been on a steady decline for the past five years, and those who are choosing organic are buying more.”
These findings are further proof of the increasing importance of the organic food industry to the modern consumer. An earlier study by the OTA showed that sales of organic products reached a record high of 35.1 billion in sales in 2013. The OTA doesn't expect growth to stop there however, predicting a 12% or higher increase in sales during 2014.