Procacci Brothers Unveils New Santa Sweets® Packaging for Sesame Street eat brighter!™ Initiative

Thu. December 4th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Procacci Brothers is introducing new Sesame Street-themed packaging for its Santa Sweets® authentic grape tomatoes. This marks the company’s first contribution to the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and Sesame Workshop’s nationwide eat brighter!™ initiative.

Rick Feighery, Vice President of Sales, Procacci Bros.“Our Santa Sweets® grape tomatoes are a perfect fit for this fantastic initiative,” said Rick Feighery, Vice President of Sales. “And the brilliant red color of our tomatoes parallels Elmo’s bright personality and appearance seamlessly.”

Frank Paone, Director of Marketing, says that this campaign is one of the most exciting marketing opportunities that Procacci Brothers and Santa Sweets® has encountered since introducing grape tomatoes to the mass U.S. market in the late 1990s, according to a press release. He believes the eat brighter!™ program can help get more healthy snacks like grape tomatoes onto children’s plates and into more lunchboxes.

Frank Paone, Director of Marketing, Procacci Bros.“When we joined the program, our team saw it as a natural fit to put a Sesame Street character on our own existing label near Tom, Matt & Otto, our longtime Santa Sweets® mascots,” said Paone. “We love the ability to promote the characters to children as we’ve seen proven success around the industry with it.”

The ‘eat brighter!’ labels are available to ship to customers immediately.

It will be exciting to see what impact this new packaging will have on the tomato category. Great job, Procacci!

Procacci Brothers