CLOVIS, CA - It is with a heavy heart that we report on the passing of Douglas Hazelton. The fifth-generation citrus farmer passed away on May 20 after battling Parkinson’s disease.
Douglas (Doug) Hazelton was born April 27, 1937, in Sanger, California, where he grew up on his family’s farm. He attended Sanger High School while working the family ranches. After completing school, Hazelton married the love of his life, Norma Cooper, and the couple enjoyed 68 years of marriage.
According to a release, he started his own citrus spraying business and continued to farm land with his lifelong friend Mike Dresick. Having learned many life lessons from the generations before him, he placed great importance on leaving a lasting impact on the next generation.
Hazelton was the Director of Orange Cove Sanger Citrus and in 1977, he founded Kings River Packing. With the help of his wife and children, he continued the Hazelton legacy in the citrus industry, a legacy that began with William (Yank) Hazelton. In 2018, Hazelton and his wife were awarded Farmer of the Year by the city of Sanger.
His accomplishments in the industry number in the many, but Hazelton’s commitment to God and his church played a significant role in his life. One of his biggest joys was his family and spending time with his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. From trips together in Cayucos, Huntington, and Shaver Lakes to fishing on the Rogue River in Oregon, spending time with his family outdoors was his favorite thing to do.
Hazelton is survived by his wife, Norma; daughters Cheryl (Tim) Daniel; Dianna (Dave) Hines; and Janet (Keith) Gardner; and sister Jean Casey. Additionally, he leaves behind his beloved grandchildren Doug (Jennifer) Daniel; Frank (Britney) Daniel; Nancy (Brad) Bishel; John (Lauren) Gardner; Joanie (Scott) Riddle; Katie (Johnny) Verwey; Bobby (Alison) Hines; and 21 great-grandchildren with one more on the way.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hazelton family at this time.