Marzetti’s Joe Tuza Discusses Company’s Claim to Fame at PMA Fresh Summit

Thu. February 28th, 2013

Welcome to this episode of Shop Talk! Joe Tuza, Senior Vice President of Retail, for the T. Marzetti Company, joins AndNowUKnow to discuss the company's claim to fame. Marzetti represents about 90% of the veggie dip market and are coming out and debuting the veggie dip line that has been very successful for the past 26 years. The company has redone the packaging to help accentuate the line. The company also has a large number of skus in the produce dressing section with the number one sku being the "Simply Dressed" Line along with then new début of a new vinagrette with a pourable cap. The company represents about 25% of the refrigerated dressing market which offers a natural extension for the company. <hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">