BC Blueberries Invade Produce Departments

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Wed. July 25th, 2012

<p><strong>Vancouver, BC</strong><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Customers can now find the first of the 2012 season’s fresh BC blueberries in supermarkets throughout the country. Over 800 British Columbian blueberry farmers are now harvesting a strong fruit crop.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">BC blueberries will be available through mid-October this year, and this year’s crop is shaping up to be a record-breaking. The 2011 yield rang it at over 95 million pounds, making BC the largest highbrush blueberry-growing region in the world.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Debbie Etsell, Executive Director of the British Columbia Blueberry council, states, “The fresh season for BC blueberries is always highly anticipated, and this year is no exception. This is the season to be eating fresh blueberries—you’re supporting Canadian farmers and treating yourself to a sweet, nutritious berry.”<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">BC Blueberry fans can view recipes and interesting facts at BCblueberry.com and on the BC Blueberry Council Facebook page.</p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><p><a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary col-lg-12" style="white-space: normal;" href=" http://www.bcblueberry.com/" target="_new"> BC Blueberry Council</a></p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">