Walmart Expands in Peru?

Mon. July 1st, 2013 - by Whit Grebitus

<p>An unidentified source with Wal-Mart cited by Reuters said that the company would enter Peru within the year; however, Wal-Mart refuted such claims.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">"Wal-Mart is entering Peru this year," the source told Reuters. "It is coming no matter what, before the end of the year, maybe in October."<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">"If you ask me if the store will be ready this year - well, no - because you have to start construction," the source said.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Kevin Gardner, Wal-Mart spokesman said the company was only going to run a quality assurance program in Peru to procure products. He said the company has no plans to have retail operations in the market.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Peruvian newspaper, Gestion, reported that the company has registered its name with a government agency and hired a general manager.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Wal-Mart's Peruvian debut would likely heat up competition in the growing market, as the country’s retail sector has long been dominated by Chilean companies.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary col-lg-12" style="white-space: normal;" href="" target="_new">Wal-Mart Report</a></p><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">