TIPA Launches New Website for Viva Fresh Conference and Expo

Wed. September 10th, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

MISSION, TX – The Texas International Produce Association, TIPA, is gearing up for the inaugural Viva Fresh Conference and Expo on March 26-28 in Austin, Texas with the launch of a new website.  Check it out by clicking here.

The new website provides a wide range of information including the schedule of events, exhibitor and attendee registration, sponsorship opportunities and a summary of education workshops.

Heidi McIntyre, Managing Partner at Full Tilt Marketing.

Full Tilt Marketing, a full service marketing agency specializing in the produce industry, has worked closely with TIPA to plan and conceptualize this new event from start to finish including the design and launch of the new website, according to a press release.  “It’s exciting to be on the ground floor of industry opportunities like Viva Fresh that celebrate new directions for our industry and create collaborative experiences,” stated Heidi McIntyre, Managing Partner at Full Tilt Marketing.

Bret Erickson, TIPA CEO.

The Expo takes a unique and different approach from other regional trade shows.  “In our case, a regional show is an international show,” commented Bret Erickson, TIPA CEO.  "We’re excited to be able to talk trade, retail trends, and grower issues all while connecting U.S. and Mexico based grower/shippers with buyers from throughout the U.S. and Canada.”

The Viva Fresh Conference and Expo is a “Gateway to the Americas” that showcases produce grown in the Southwestern United States and Mexico.  Visitors are offered the unique opportunity to learn more about transportation issues, product availability and upcoming trade regulations within and between the U.S. and Mexico.

The expo offers a fun, unique educational look at the health benefits, style and taste of Southwestern and Mexico-grown produce, with chef-inspired events and receptions with a region-specific foodie flair. 

Make sure to check out the new website for more information on how to register for this must-see event.

Viva Fresh Conference and Expo

Texas International Produce Association