Village Farms' Garden Fresh Flavor Challenge a Success at PMA Fresh Summit

Wed. October 22nd, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

ANAHEIM, CA - At this past weekend’s PMA Fresh Summit, Village Farms brought some fun to the expo floor with its Garden Fresh Flavor Challenge.

Visitors to Village Farms’ booth were given the chance to take a blind taste test on three of the company’s most popular varieties: Heavenly Villagio Marzano, Lip Smackin' Grapes and Sinfully Sweet Campari.  After the taste test, participants voted on their favorite.

Helen L. Aquino, Marketing Manager for Village FarmsHelen L. Aquino, Marketing Manager for Village Farms, says, "PMA participation in the Garden Fresh Flavor Challenge was overwhelming.  Everyone loved sampling our flavorful varieties and voting on their favorite. The experience assured us in the end everyone is an engaged consumer when it comes to knowing what they like."

According to the company, Garden Fresh Flavor Challenge participants who had their picture taken with the Garden Fresh Flavor Girls can view pictures on Village Farms Instagram @Village_Farms under hashtag #gardenfreshflavor.

With the data from the taste test being calculated now, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow to find out the results for the Garden Fresh Flavor challenge.

Village Farms