CMI Puts Ambrosia Apples in the Gift Bags of Hollywood's Hottest Stars for the Oscars

Thu. January 29th, 2015 - by Andrew McDaniel

WENATCHEE, WA - Oscar hopefuls this year are getting a sweet consolation prize, thanks to Ambrosia™ apples.

The company is stepping up its apples as a first-time featured item in the official gift bags that non-winners in the major categories will receive at the 87th Annual Oscars®. Ambrosia™ apples will be the only fresh produce item to be included in this year’s gift bag, and will be part of over $80,000 worth of merchandise given as part of the “Everybody Wins at the Oscars®” nominee gift baskets.  

“Ambrosia™ apples really are exceptional, worthy of Hollywood’s best,” said Steve Lutz, Vice President of MarketingSteve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing, Columbia Marketing International, Inc.. “While the award nominee gift bag is always unique, sweet, crisp Ambrosia™ apples have earned their moment in the spotlight as well. We’re delighted to have Ambrosia™ apples included.”

With a name meaning “food of the gods,” Ambrosia™ apples are right at home on Oscars night, according to a press release. Ambrosia™ is a relative newcomer to the American-grown apple market, after being discovered by chance in Canada.

Ambrosia™ apples in the United States are exclusively grown by McDougall & Sons, a family-owned fruit farming company in Wenatchee, Washington with roots going back over 100 years. All Ambrosia apples are non-GMO, and after 10 years of orchard development, both organic and conventionally grown Ambrosia apples are now available nationally in leading food markets.

CMI Apples
