13 Super Bowl Do's and Don'ts for This Sunday's Big Game

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Fri. January 30th, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

No matter who you’re rooting for, anyone who was stuck with (or kind enough to volunteer) hosting a party to watch the Big Game is going to be stressing about more than the score this coming Sunday.

ANUK’s staff feel your pain and are here to help, pulling together to give you our own list to make sure you win, no matter what the score says at the end of the fourth quarter.

1. Always have fruit juice on hand!

It's versatile. Use it as quencher, a chaser... We won't judge you.

2. Speaking of beverages, mark yours clearly and responsibly.

Nobody wants to see what happens when your passionate, somewhat pushy - but you love him! - uncle mixes the fruit punch with THAT fruit punch…

3. Review your guest list!

Make sure you didn’t invite your sister’s boyfriend’s ex that you do yoga twice a week with or your neighbor’s pet psychic. No one needs that kind of drama.

4. You can never have too much guacamole.

No really, it’s impossible. Go crazy.

5. No matter how many times you warn them, they will eat the spicy Buffalo wings.

And you can’t NOT have spicy buffalo wings. So we recommend strategically placing antacids next to the bowl. If they don’t get the hint, they’ll take the chewables. And luckily you have extra juice on hand…

6. Buy two bowls of cheese dip.

We would tell you not to eat an entire bowl of cheese before the guests even arrive, but that’s just crazy. Buy two and they’ll never have to know.  We won’t tell if you won’t.

7. Selling premium seats on the sofa is a go.

Hold an auction or just charge your friends for the best seats in the house. As a host, this is your right.

8. Double-dipping is NEVER cool.

And there shall be penalties. Think on what they are, because you will need them. Sorry.

9. Set your DVR’s…

Avocados are making their Super Bowl premier! Pay tribute to that guacamole and record the moment.

10. Skip the pre-game…

Watch the Puppy Bowl! Trust us, it’s better.

11. The Game is optional, the commercials are mandatory.

Maybe this should have been rule one…

12. Did you hear Katy Perry is the half-time entertainer?

Better start learning the lyrics to Firework… you know she’s going to do it.

13. And while you’re at it, ‘put your money where your mouth is.’

Katy Perry’s outfits have been a bigger focus than the actual game. Will they be crazy? Will they ‘malfunction’? Better start placing your bets!

And there you have it. Just remember, first and foremost, to have fun with it.  We won’t hate on you for making juices from concentrate or getting a take-and-bake pizza, but if you're like D'Arrigo Bros, you know fresh is best for Super Bowl Sunday. 

Good luck!