Kroger Cuts Prices on Thousands of Items in Columbus Division

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Fri. April 17th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WESTERVILLE, OH - Kroger’s Columbus Division is slashing prices for thousands of items across its stores, primarily fresh produce, meat, and its natural and organic foods.

Mary Ellen Adcock, Vice President of Merchandising, Kroger, Columbus Division (Source: Cincinnati Business Courier)“In addition to natural foods, produce is one of Kroger’s fastest growing departments,” said Mary Ellen Adcock, Vice President of Merchandising for Kroger's Columbus Division, according to the Jackson County Times-Journal. “We also know that the meat department plays a critical role in where customers chose to shop. We are listening to what our customers are telling us and lowering prices on items that are relevant to them.”

Examples of some of the produce getting price cuts include organic broccoli (from $2.69/lb to $1.79/lb), 16 oz. mini-peeled carrots (from $1.49 to 99 cents), mangos (from three-for-$5.00 to 99 cents each), and cucumbers (from 49 cents to 10 cents), according to the Toledo Blade.

In an attempt to close the price gap between conventional and organic produce, Kroger is also cutting back prices on natural foods. In total, approximately 2,700 items will see some kind of price reduction.

This isn’t the first time Kroger has enacted price cuts to its most frequently purchased items. In March 2014, the company also reduced fresh produce prices, but offset those cuts by eliminating giving double-value on coupons. This time, however, the company is not compensating for the price reduction by raising prices on other items.   

Jennifer Jarrell, Spokesperson, Kroger, Columbus Division“It’s not a campaign, it’s not a promotion, it’s a price reduction plan that reduces the prices on the most frequently purchased items,” Jennifer Jarrell, Spokesperson for Kroger’s Columbus Division, tells the Toledo Blade.

Though these price reductions are currently only in effect for the retailer’s Columbus Division, it remains to be seen whether other divisions will follow suit. 
