SALINAS, CA - Director of TransFresh Corporation Rich MacLeod and Landec's Steve Bitler joined AndNowUKnow to give us a behind the scenes look at how its innovative technology is increasing shelf life for blueberries to over 28 days.
Transfresh's Space Bag Technology
“We learned as the blueberry business began to expand rapidly worldwide, we found there was a need to provide a storage solution. The blueberry crop come on very, very quickly, the shippers and packers of blueberry need a way to expand or extend the market window so they don't have to market everything at the peak,” says MacLeod.
This need for a new storage solution inspired the development of the new zipper locked pallet bag. TransFresh brought this technology to Apio to marry it with the Apio Breathway technology.
Apio's Breathway Technology
Steve Bitler, VP of Corporate Technology for Apio’s parent company, Landec Corporation, weighed in on the combined new product as well.
“We’re able to store fresh blueberries for on the order of 28 days, at 34 degrees Fahrenheit, but when we wanted to move that into a much larger sphere, there was no better company to work with than Transfresh,” Bitler told us. “TransFresh had a knowledge base and understanding of how to work with large quantities of fresh cut produce, and they were already supplying space bags to the industry.”
To see the full interview with Rich and Steve and learn more about this storage solution, watch the full video above.