National Mango Board Reports Increased Volume of Mangos from Mexico and Brazil

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Mon. August 15th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

ORLANDO, FL – In continued efforts to work with mango-producing countries to give retailers and consumers an informed prediction of how many mangos will be shipped to the U.S., the National Mango Board (NMB) has released its latest update from Mexico and Brazil as of August 6, 2016. NMB reports that volume arriving into the U.S. is up almost one million boxes from last year’s numbers.

Mango volume shipping the first week of this month was approximately 2,623,012 boxes. During the same week last year, volume was around 1,721, 053 boxes. These numbers brought the total mango volume to 80,520,019 boxes brought into the U.S., according to a recent press release.

Brazil Crop Volume InformationBrazil Crop Volume Information

These numbers are supplemented by crop from Brazil. The Brazilian season runs from July through November, with a projected 8 million boxes expected. Varieties to comprise the volume is expected as follows:

  • Tommy Atkins: 85%
  • Ataulfo: 8%
  • Palmer: 7%

As of August 6, volume shipped from Brazil was 322,298 boxes for a total of 372,530 in the season thus far. This volume is up an approximate 84,242 boxes from last year’s total at this point in the year.

Mexico Crop Volume InformationMexico Crop Volume Information

Additionally, the Mexican season, which began in January and will run through October, is expected to provide the U.S. with around 66.5 million boxes of mangos. The varieties to compose this number are the following: 

  • Tommy Atkins: 38%
  • Kent: 20%
  • Haden: 7%
  • Keitt: 8%
  • Other: 1%

At this point last year, volume from Mexico was composed of a total of 64,034,955 boxes. This number is slightly lower this year, with a total of 63,126,453 boxes of mangos.

Though the overall volume is lower as of right now, weekly volume is on the rise. During the week of August 6 last year, volume arrived from Mexico was approximately 1,708,091. This year, that number has significantly increased with volume arriving from Mexico on the same week at around 2,623,012 boxes.

For more information on the NMB’s latest mango crop report, along with the average price per box comparisons for each port of entry, click here.

As mangos continue to sweeten up consumers baskets, and volume remains on the rise, AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the latest crop information.  

National Mango Board