ROYSTON, UK - Johnson Matthey recently introduced a new, innovative product for automated packaging: Xflow.
The unique MA/MH film structure is applicable for flow pack machines, with the company touting its potential to be the future of MA/MH bulk packaging.
Dr. Gary Ward, Technical Development Manager, Johnson Matthey
“The implications of our new technology Xflow are significant,” commented Dr. Gary Ward, Technical Development Manager at Johnson Matthey, ACT-Tefen, Israel. “Improved throughput, reductions in material usage and waste, as well as savings in labor make using Xflow in automated bulk packaging for fresh produce items like melons, pomegranates, and stone fruits extremely exciting!”
New Xflow Packaging Machine
Delfin Srl. Owner of Alberto Drago, Italian packing machine veteran, and business partner to Johnson Matthey, developed the prototype machine Galaxy 1200 with the Xflow for automated packing especially.
“The Galaxy 1200 machine is designed for any produce item packed in trays,” said Srl, according to a press release. “The packaging width is adjustable depending on the packers needs. We are delighted to be in partnership with Johnson Matthey to offer the fresh produce industry such an exceptional new way to enjoy the benefits of MA/MH freshness technology and improve packing operations and costs.”
Close-up of unique MA/MH film structure
The Galaxy 1200 is now available for testing through California-based Main Line Industry Inc., Delfin’s handler in the state. Johnson Matthey also recently released the Xbloom line of packaging, designed to extend shelf-life to as much as double for a variety of carnations and roses, currently being marketed across South America and Europe.
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