College Students Start Lettuce Club to Out Nosh the Competition

Tue. March 7th, 2017 - by Laura Hillen

UNITED STATES - Picture a vibrant head of lettuce on a pure white plate. Normally, its fate would become fancifully dressed with dressing and blue cheese crumbles for a wedge salad, or perhaps some other aesthetically-driven plate. Instead, hurried hands grab it as the entire head is consumed as quickly as possible.

Such is the fate of lettuce heads procured for a new craze sweeping the nation’s college youths; the Lettuce Club. Members convene to rapturously eat their leafy greens the fastest in order to be crowned as the next Head of Lettuce. And, as the video below shows you, this is no tame thing. 

Strategy prevails at these competitions, with voices, emotions, and adrenaline running high. Thus far, Refinery29 reported, the craze has spread to the University of Maryland where the video was taken. The three rules of the esteemed leafy green are as follows:

  • 1. Bring your own lettuce
  • 2. First person to finish their head of lettuce wins
  • 3. Winner becomes leader of the club and sets up next meeting

The Maine School of Science and Mathematics also picked up the competition, making the rules harsher; banning competitors from future contests if they took too long to consume their green goods. 

Refinery29 stated that the competitive league is spreading, as dozens more Lettuce Clubs have laid roots throughout U.S. colleges thanks to the graces of social media.

Never seen a group of college kids go wild over a lettuce head contest? Me either, but as the trend spreads AndNowUKnow will be sure to break the good, leafy news.