Speeding Grape Truck Overturns in Hyderabad

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Fri. April 14th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

HYDERABAD, INDIA - Truckers made an accidental foray into juicing recently, when a truck carrying grapes upended at high speed and spilled its contents into the roadway.

Adding insult to injury, local news source Telangana Today reported, fellow lorry drivers opted to abscond with the spilled cargo rather than help the truck’s crew.

Grape truck overturned. Source: Telangana Today.

Reportedly, the crash occurred while the truck was en route from Bijapur to Vijayawada travelling through Hyderabad. The driver fell asleep at the wheel, toppled the truck, and the vehicle slid along the road, dragging itself roughly 100 meters and depositing its vine-ripened cargo up and down the interstate.

Local police arrived late on the scene, some 45 minutes after the spill, and began clearing the road. The truck’s cargo was valued at two lakh, over $3,000 USD.

Grape truck overturned. Source: Telangana Today.

The truck’s crew were unharmed, making what Telangana Today described as a “miraculous escape.”

For more on produce accidents, impromptu juicing, and unplanned vinification, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.