Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers Names New and Returning District 1 Leaders at 50th Annual General Meeting

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Wed. October 25th, 2017 - by Robert Schaulis

LEAMINGTON, ON - Celebrating the golden anniversary mark, The Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers met with more than 130 members and guests at the Pelee Island Winery in Kingsville, ON, earlier this week.

The 50th Annual General Meeting also saw a required election for District 1 of the over 200 growers, representing nearly 2,900 acres of high-tech hydroponic greenhouse production.

Jan VanderHout (left), OGVG Director, presents the Industry Builder Award to Don TaylorJan VanderHout (left), OGVG Director, presents the Industry Builder Award to Don Taylor

Following a vote, Kevin Safrance and Hilco Tamminga were elected for a second term, according to a press release, while Bill Heeg, Marco Hoogenboom, and James Neven acclaimed seats in District 2.

The new Board of Directors for the 2017-2018 fiscal year per OGVG are:

District 1

  • Paul Mastronardi (1 year remaining) - Hazel Farms
  • Jason Whitcher (1 year remaining) - Cecelia Acres
  • Peter Quiring (1 year remaining) - Nature Fresh Farms
  • Kevin Safrance - EnviroFresh Farms
  • Hilco Tamminga - Truly Green

District 2

  • Jan VanderHout (1 year remaining) - Beverly Greenhouses
  • Mike Vanderzwet (1 year remaining) - St. David’s Hydroponics
  • Bill Heeg - Sunchoice Greenhouses
  • Marco Hoogenboom - Hoogenboom Family Farms
  • James Neven - Foothill Greenhouses

District 1 growers who have acclaimed a seat as Committee Persons for the 2017-2018 fiscal year, with one vacancy, are:

  • Albert Mastronardi
  • Jim Slater
  • Rodney Wright
  • Jordan Kniaziew

Trish Fournier claimed a seat as Committee Persons for the 2017-2018 fiscal year for District 2, while four seats remain vacant. The Board said it will appoint members to fill vacancies as a Committee Person at the next Board meeting, currently scheduled for November of 2017.

Cake Cutting Ceremony Pictured from left to right are: Jim Clark, Farm Products Marketing Commission Kevin Safrance, OGVG Vice-Chair, District 1 James Neven, OGVG Vice-Chair, District 2 George Gilvesy, OGVG ChairCake Cutting Ceremony Pictured from left to right are: Jim Clark, Farm Products Marketing Commission Kevin Safrance, OGVG Vice-Chair, District 1 James Neven, OGVG Vice-Chair, District 2 George Gilvesy, OGVG Chair

Congratulations to all these produce pros on their appointments.

Ontario Vegetable Greenhouse Growers