YERINGTON, NV - Peri & Sons Farms Sweetie Sweet onions are back in season for a limited time—with a fresh look for our Premium and Organic sweet onions.
Here’s What’s in Store.
In line with the latest fresh produce trends, our Sweetie Sweets are perfect for consumers looking for fresh and healthy ideas to round out their diet and avoid veggie fatigue.
Our new Sweetie Sweet packaging gives consumers of all ages the information they need to make the right choice for themselves and their family in a fun and engaging way.
As more and more consumers are turning to veg-centric diets, reading labels, and researching the foods they eat, our new packaging is sure to please.
Millennial consumers, in particular, will delight in a new design that highlights growing practices and celebrates the farm, its culture, philosophy, products, and the location where good things grow.
Thank you for watching What’s in Store.